Reflective meditation for worriers

Reflective meditation for worriers

Worrying is part of the human condition. It seems to be increasing in our complex, complicated, divisive world and the speed of change has increased so dramatically it leaves us feeling stressed. How can we survive in this world, let alone thrive, when worry seems to be all around us and in us? Well, first get it know it better. You might say, ‘I don’t need to know anything more about my worrying, thank you very much. I just want it to go away!’ I thought that too.

Where’s the catch?

Where’s the catch?

Someone who felt the need for a meditation practice recently got in touch with One Mindful Breath and, after taking part in a Monday evening online meditation session, said ‘I’ve had a look through your website and its great. Just what I’m looking for. So good I went through it all again looking for the catch. There has to be a catch, I thought. But I couldn’t find it. So where is the catch?’